Groundswell Cloud Solutions Social media
My 3+ years at Groundswell Cloud Solutions
GS Devops Mate
In November of 2020 our CTO came to me with GS DevOps Mate. This is a toolkit that they used for a client and wanted to make it open-source and give it back to the Salesforce community as well as show off our talents expertise. In addition to our Webinar, email campaign and landing pages we were active on social media and created several blog posts to promote this free open-source toolkit. We utilized our website, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, Instagram, for an omni-channel strategy.
Youtube: Video 1, video 2, webinar
Blog Posts: Intro, part two, part three, github actions, bitbucket,
Dreamforce 2022
In 2022 at Dreamforce we went all out. Our event was packed both days and we had four speaker presentations at the conference.
Connections 2022
This Marketing Cloud conference was live tweeted, shared on Linkedin and instagram. We had a social media campaign and direct outreach leading up to our event.
In 2019 to 2021 we sponsored NwHacks a local hackathon and got great interactions with potential new hires and generated local brand awareness.